WPUK has over 20 years experience in the language work experience sector, designing and assisting clients with bespoke work experience packages. We are able to advise and co-ordinate your own requirements, whatever they may be.

Denise Anderson is the director of WPUK. After an early career in banking, she moved on to a career teaching English in Spain where she stayed for 5 years. On her return she set up a business teaching French and Spanish to primary school children and also to businesses.
In 2001 Denise set up a new language school where all the students followed programmes involving work experience placements and staying with local families.
The school gained British Council accreditation in 2005 and in 2006 Denise left to setup and work full time on WPUK.
Location Of Work Placements
Our most popular locations for work placements are Brighton, Bromley and St Albans. The map below shows you where they are !