
Thomas Wagner

The Academy for Vocational Training and Education (AFBB), a state recognised vocational training institution with schools in Dresden, Berlin and Cologne has been working together with Work Placements UK for over 10 years now. During this time, Denise Anderson and her team have successfully placed more than 300 students from our schools in internships and host families in Brighton and St Albans. The quality of the projects organised by Work Placements on the British side has been excellent throughout and the participants have been happy with their stay. Denise is always willing to help and solves any problems that arise competently and efficiently. We look forward to continuing our good relationship with Work Placements UK in the coming years. Thomas Wagner

Head International Mobility at AFBB

Bettina Klein

I am an English teacher at the Academy for Vocational Training and Education (AFBB) in Dresden and got to know Denise Anderson and Liz Durrant from Work Placements UK in 2018 when they came over to Germany especially to prepare our students for their 4-week work placement in Brighton.

Since then we have had a very enjoyable and productive cooperation – starting with the interviews with our students to the organisation of the work placements and their stay in Brighton.

Work Placements UK are eager to find the best placements for our students and are very supportive if any problems arise. We are glad to have found Work Placements UK and would very much regret if Brexit prevents us from a future co-operation.

English teacher at AFBB Dresden

Maria Hilz

Participating in the Erasmus+ mobility programme, we have worked alongside Workplacements UK for several years now and have found in them an open-hearted partner who has always taken an exceptionally proactive interest in our students’ wants and needs. The very friendly and welcoming staff did their best in helping our students to settle into their host families quickly, and it was absolutely reassuring to know that Workplacements UK would encourage them in every imaginable way to gain a foothold in a real work setting.


Working with Workplacements UK is a guarantee of efficiency and quality cooperation. The company is reliable and always ready to find solutions when the occasional problem surfaces. In about 20 years of working with them, our school has never found a better option to organize our yearly work placements abroad for pupils from 15 to 18 years old for periods from 10 days to 3 weeks. Highly recommended!

Konstantin Chytiris, StD

The Vocational College Rothenburg/Dinkelsbuehl has cooperated with WPUK for many years. Mrs Denise Anderson provided excellent work placements and host families in Brighton. Cooperation with her has always been of superb quality and in a friendly atmosphere. We are waiting eagerly for the silver lining on the European horizon and hope to be able to continue our cooperation as soon as the political situation allows us to do so.

Head of Foreign Languages Department

Klaus Schachner, Florian Friedel

We are a vocational school in Bavaria and have been running programs in GB for our students since 2006. Before we came in touch with Workplacements UK we were mainly focused on programs that offer college-based trainings and we often thought how very much better it would be to give our students the chance to get a real work experience in a foreign country instead.

Brigitte Michlbauer

Our school – Berufliche Schulen Altoetting – started working with Work Placements UK in 2010. Even though our schedule was very tight Work Placements UK was able to provide work placements and lovely host families for our 16 vocational students.

Finding suitable companies was a challenge because our students are being trained as chemical laboratory assistants, chefs, hotel managers, hair dressers and office administration assistants. Work Placements UK met this challenge to our utmost satisfaction. Using individual telephone interviews and students' CVs Work Placements UK arranged appropriate placements for every student.

Italian student August 2013

I wanted to write you before your mail but with the start of the school and everything I got really busy.

I really loved the month spent in St. Albans, it passed really quickly! Both of the families that hosted me where very kind and gentle, they were always available for helping me with all that I needed and all I asked. The working placement was lovely too, the shop was very nice like the customers that came in every day and like the owners and workmates, there was always something to do and I never got bored.

St. Albans is a beautiful town with beautiful people, I really had a great time.

Thank you very much for making me do such a great experience!

Many thanks

Group in St Albans, March 2012

Generally we had a really amazing and lively time in the UK. All of us enjoyed that journey, although it wasn't easy all the time speaking and understanding the whole day english. But that was a good challenge and experience. Especially we had a great time in London, beautiful amazing city with so much things to see. We felt really impressed.

Too bad, that we only had the weekends to visit London, but there were so much things to see, it was really stressful We especially loved the incredibly open-minded and helpful people in the UK. Anytime and anywhere we felt welcome. That's different to Germany

All in all we thank you a lot that we could take part of that project.

Thank you very much.

Kind regards from everyone


Dagmar Niemeyer

I work for AFBB, a stately recognized vocational school situated in Berlin, Germany. We train apprentices aged between 17 and 25 in various fields of administrative professions. A four week work experience in the UK is one part of their internationally orientated qualifications.

Being Head of English Department and German Work Placement Organizer, it was my job to find a reliable partner who could guarantee quality placements in England. We have successfully worked with UK Work Placements since 2009, our students being offered demanding jobs with interesting tasks in the activity fields they had asked for.

It also feels good to know that our students are well-accommodated in nice host families and are in good hands from arrival to departure. Work Placements UK is definitely a professional partner if you want to hand over responsibilities. 

AFBB Berlin ( the link is to a review of our services )

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Collett Rd
SG12 7LR

No: 5730757

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