Home Stays

We have a wide network of quality hosts. WPUK hosts have all been visited and checked by a WPUK representative and are experienced at welcoming visitors from overseas. WPUK homes are all clean and pleasant places to stay. Accommodation is in single, twin or triple rooms. Each student has their own bed, reasonable use of the bathroom and access to laundry facilities.

WPUK hosts can offer bed and breakfast, hal board or full board accommodation (to include bed, breakfast, packed lunch and evening meal).

A recent German student said ‘I really appreciated the welcome from my host family – the food was different from home but I enjoyed trying new things, especially a full English breakfast!’

WPUK believes that students gain far more from living with a British family in a home than they do from staying in a hostel or hotel accommodation. This is why we always recommend groups stay in homestay accommodation

We would be very interested to hear from anybody who can provide accomodation in the St Albans area.

WPUK offer transfers from any airport, ferry terminal or train station. A WPUK representative will meet the group at the arrival point and show them to the waiting coach. The coach takes the group...

We organise work experience programmes for groups all over the UK. The most popular centres are Brighton, Bromley and St Albans but any location is possible. See here for more details. WPUK has...

WPUK can arrange language classes for your groups either in closed groups (just your students) or joining other students in a language school environment. Maybe your group would like a week's...

Company Information

Registered Office:

The Old Boardroom
Collett Rd
SG12 7LR

No: 5730757

Proudly Associated With

EUK Corporate mod


